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Ask the School Psychologist: What’s Mindfulness?

By Kristin Krarup-Joyce, Ed.S., NCSP

Dear Chelsea Community:
I have written about mindfulness before, but the more I learn about it, the more I am convinced that it is a tool we need to be teaching our children.

So, just what is mindfulness?

According to Grace Helms Kotre, “Mindfulness is simply the act of paying attention and noticing the present moment without judgment.”

Studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, increase the ability to focus and pay attention, improve emotional regulation and increase empathy.

One way to practice mindfulness is to focus on breathing. This can help kids handle everyday stress. Try this exercise from Ashley Spicer:

Tickling the Feather:
Have your child inhale through her nose as she counts to five, hold her breath for 2 seconds, then purse her lips and exhale as she imagines a small feather in front of her mouth that she is trying to tickle with her breath.

Here a few more ways to be mindful:
Hot Chocolate:
Quietly breathe in through your nose as if smelling a mug of hot chocolate. Exhale by blowing through your mouth as if you are cooling it off.

Kind Wishes:
Make a kind wish for someone you care about.
One for yourself.
One for someone you don’t really know.
And one for someone who bothers you.

Sounds Around
Notice five sounds around you right now.
Count them on your fingers

(The last three practices are from “Growing Mindful.”)

  • Did you know that all freshmen at Chelsea High School receive mindfulness training (Learning to Breathe-L2B) in Health?
  • Did you know that North Creek Elementary has a school-wide Mindfulness Moment on Monday mornings?
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