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Ask the School Psychologist: What is mindfulness?


By Kristin Krarup-Joyce

(Kristin Krarup-Joyce is a school psychologist with the Chelsea School District. Please pose your questions at [email protected].)

What is mindfulness?

According to Grace Helms Kotre, “Mindfulness is simply the act of paying attention and noticing the present moment without judgment.” Studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, increase the ability to focus and pay attention, improve emotional regulation and increase empathy.

One way to practice mindfulness is to focus on breathing. This can help kids handle everyday stress. Try this exercise from Ashley Spicer:

Tickling the Feather:

Have your child inhale through her nose as she counts to five, hold her breath for 2 seconds, then purse her lips and exhale as she imagines a small feather in front of her mouth that she is trying to tickle with her breath.

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