After 11 years on the Chelsea Downtown Development Authority Board, Bob Pierce attended his last meeting Thursday morning.
He said his appointment was up and he asked not to be re-appointed because he wants to focus his efforts on Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce membership and benefits as well as his involvement with Chelsea Area Festivals and Events, the city’s marketing website and The Big 400, which just won a big award from the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Pierce brought the award to the meeting to show fellow board members. He said he plans to continue attending the meetings but will be on the other side of the podium to give updates to the DDA.
He said he’s very excited about The Big 400 and the economic development impacts that this project will have on Chelsea and the surrounding area.
“It’s been a great experience,” Pierce said of his time on the DDA, and Board Chairman Pete Flintoft thanked him for his service.
Pierce said he vividly remembers the first project the DDA Board completed during his tenure — a wayfinding project for the downtown. Since then he said, “It’s been an explosion of activity,” which includes the Chelsea area events, the increase in attendance for Hometown Holiday, the tree lights downtown, the sculpture walk.
“There have been a lot of great projects,” he said, “And yes, some controversial ones, too, such as the Longworth complex, but I feel we made great improvements to the downtown.”