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Chelsea American Legion Post 31 teaches cub scouts proper flag folding techniques

Courtesy photo. A scene from the recent American Legion Post 31 flag folding demonstration for Cub Scout Pack 435.
Courtesy photo. Cub scouts show their folded flag.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bridget Favre for the information and photos in this story.)

Chelsea Cub Scout Pack 435 would like to thank Chelsea American Legion Post 31 for hosting a flag-folding event last month.

Scouts and their families were welcomed to the post with a delicious meal to kick off the evening’s events. Organizer Chuck Reed briefly explained to the cub scouts what the American Legion is, and how Post 31 provides community service to Chelsea in various ways.

Next, Craig Maier led a demonstration on how to fold the flag, explaining the significance of each step. Under the guidance of Post 31 members, the scouts practiced folding flags. 

Courtesy photo. Cub Scout Pack 435 outside the Chelsea American Post 31.



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