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Chelsea Boys Track Overtakes April Snow for Double Win

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Eric Swager for the information in this story.)

It was Christmas in April. A beautiful snowy afternoon welcomed the thinclads as they took on both Adrian and Lincoln yesterday.

A feathery panoply filled the air and turf as the children frolicked about. We were refreshed by the crisp bite in the air, and it felt like we were reborn in many events.

On a less poetic note, we really did compete well.

Attitude comes up huge when facing adverse conditions, and that fact allowed us to beat two pretty darn good teams.

I am proud of the guys for hanging together and giving their best.

Brandon Snyder, Aiden McGuire, Ryan Scott, Dominic Guthre, and Will Barhite all took home first places against both squads, and several sprinters and distance runners picked up key second and third places to bring us to victory.

An energetic throng of fans lasted till the end, and I want to thank all the workers as well for their efforts to make the meet a success.

This Friday promises to be 60 degrees and sunny – I hope that a bunch of fans can come down as we host the Chelsea Relays.

The field events begin at 2:30 p.m.; running finals begin at 4:30 p.m.

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