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Chelsea Parks Commission Sets Priorities for 2022-23 Budget Request Expenditures

By Lisa Carolin

The Chelsea Parks Commission approved a list of priorities for 2022-2023. Timbertown has the most projected expenditures with goals to update the playscape and to build an addition to the picnic shelter.

Parks Commission members prioritized for other goals including adding signage, a waste bin, and a shade element at the dog park, bike racks and signage at Veterans Park, and putting any remaining funds toward play elements and benches in Pierce Park.

In addition to voting to make a recommendation to Chelsea City Council to approve a budget for the list of goals, the Parks Commission approved its by-laws.

Also discussed was Rec It Tuesdays, in particular July 12 when the Parks Commission sponsors Rec It Tuesday and will feature Knockerball as an activity.

Although Earth Day is on April 22, members agreed to wait until their next meeting – May 3 – to choose a date for Park Clean Up Day.

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