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Chelsea Update Focus on Teachers: Jeanne Caselli

Photo by Megan Hayduk. Jeanne Caselli.
Photo by Megan Hayduk. Jeanne Caselli.

By Crystal Hayduk

Moms visit Jeanne Caselli’s classroom each May when their children treat them to a special morning that includes a yummy continental breakfast, a beautiful flower, and a relaxing chair massage. The event is just one of the many ways that Caselli creates an active classroom, according to Janet Kuras, whose two sons were former students.

Currently in her 13th year as a fifth-grade teacher, Caselli has been teaching for 21 years in the Chelsea School District.

She is known for encouraging students to learn in a variety of ways. Starting with a question, she allows the children’s natural curiosity to explore an idea until a concept is mastered. Students especially appreciate her use of manipulatives and hands-on learning because the added methods increase understanding and improve long-term retention.

For example, students learn about the structural classifications of skulls and bones by handling a variety of samples that allow them to both see and feel how the parts fit together.

Caselli started her college career studying communications and drama at Albion College. “My parents pushed me toward a more practical career,” Caselli said. “It can be a scary world out there for people with art majors.”

Since she had spent her teen years working with children as a babysitter and camp counselor, it seemed a natural progression to Caselli to become a teacher, so she transferred to Eastern Michigan University to study elementary education. She majored in science, but minored in elementary arts (music, art, and drama) to nurture her affinity for them and to share that love with her students.

Caselli earned her Master’s Degree in theater, which has helped her to utilize drama as a teaching tool in her classroom. “They are an amazingly appreciative audience. They get my jokes,” Caselli said with a laugh.

Caselli’s connection with drama is what brought her to Chelsea in the first place. “My first visit to Chelsea was with my husband, Tony (when we were dating), to see Chelsea Area Players perform ‘Lil’ Abner,’” she said. “We really liked the town. Then Tony got a job as house manager at the Purple Rose. I got an apartment here, and took jobs coaching Chelsea Aquatic Club, substitute teaching, and delivering pizza. It was always interesting to deliver a pizza in the evening to the same kids that I’d seen during the day. They’d say, ‘Hey, weren’t you my sub today?’”

One of Caselli’s favorite aspects of teaching is making connections with her students. “I love kids and I love helping them find their way,” she said. Her personal philosophy involves encouraging positive character traits in her students.

Outside of the classroom, Caselli serves on the communications committee, which exists to help teachers learn how to efficiently and consistently communicate with families.

She is a busy mother of two high school students, and is president of the Co. C parent board. She enjoys acting in her church’s play once a year, which raises funds for the annual mission trip.

Stacie Battaglia, South Meadows’ principal, considers Caselli “an amazingly caring educator. She is one of those people who worries about how a decision she makes will affect those around her, especially her students. Working as her colleague for 12 years and now her ‘boss’ for two, I have watched her pour her heart and soul into doing what is best for students. She is a truly committed and wonderful person and teacher.”

For as much as the community of Chelsea appreciates Jeanne Caselli, the feeling is mutual. “The parents are awesome,” she said. “Chelsea School District has a great staff and amazing administrators. And we’ve been so blessed and happy to raise our children here.”

(Note: Caselli will appear in “Murder on the Rerun” on March 20-21 at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 121 East Middle St. For more information, click here.)

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1 thought on “Chelsea Update Focus on Teachers: Jeanne Caselli”

  1. Mrs. Caselli is a wonderful teacher and I am so thankful my daughter can experience her 5th grade year in her classroom this year thank you so much for what you do for all the students and for teaching in Chelsea… 🙂

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