(Publisher’s note: Please continue to send me your stories of random acts of kindness — whether you are on the giving or the receiving end. You can email them to lallmendinger@sbcglobal.net.)
I was at the Perky Pantry the week before Christmas, 2020.
I was in line behind a young guy who looked a little careworn. He had some grocery items on the counter, including toilet paper, which was still hard to find and stupid expensive.
He was counting the cash in his wallet and I just said, Let me cover that please. And his jaw just dropped and so did the clerk’s.
It was about $30, which I could pay for easily and it made such a difference to him.
I paid both bills, said “Merry Christmas” and scooted out.
It was so satisfying to be able to help someone, especially in that Covid year at Christmas.
I have done this randomly at places like the Dollar Store and it is fun.
(This sender chose to remain anonymous.)