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Dec. 17: Transition Town Chelsea hears about electromagnetic radiation

Transition Town Chelsea will meet on Monday, Dec. 17, at 6:30 p.m. for a potluck dinner at the Chelsea Senior Center, 512 E. Washington St.

At 7:15 p.m., there will be presentations by a series of speakers on electromagnetic radiation.

Are you concerned about the health effects of cell phones, WiFi, smart meters, and the new thing they call “5G wireless”? 

Have you heard some rumors and need to know more about it?

Come learn about this controversial environmental issue from several different angles:

Rachel Cara Rosczyk, Michigan Outreach Director of We Are The Evidence, speaks about the range of adverse health effects of wireless radiation as well as the connection to human health issues overall, drawing additionally on her professional experience as a nutrition educator.

Jeanine Deal, founder of Michigan Safe Technology, will speak about her personal journey through electromagnetic hypersensitivity to becoming an advocate and an activist.

Bill Bathgate, electrical engineer, currently president of DE Filters LLC, with tell us how wireless devices work – especially the so-called “smart” meters – and how to avoid, shield, or mitigate the effects.  There may also be some other engineers in attendance to help field questions.

Before the presentation there will be a potluck that begins at 6:30 p.m. If you plan to partake in the potluck meal, please bring a dish to pass and your own pace settings.

The presentation will begin promptly at 7:15 p.m.

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