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Decision to rezone Alco property postponed by Lima planners

By Lisa Carolin

A public hearing on Monday, Feb. 18, by the Lima Township Planning Commission to consider rezoning the Alco property at 8763 Dexter-Chelsea Road from agricultural to industrial, drew close to two dozen people, many of whom live close to the property and expressed concern over rezoning it.

After listening to a number of people speak, the majority of Planning Commission members agreed with Marlene Consiglio, Planning Commission chair, who said, “I don’t see any reason to rezone at this point. Nothing is stopping you from what you’re doing now. If we rezone it, it opens up a whole world of possibilities.”

Tom Phillips, who was hired by Alco to help with the rezoning request, asked the Planning Commission to postpone a decision before they had a chance to vote on it. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to postpone a decision until the applicant comes back.

Neighbors from both Dexter-Chelsea Road and Newlyn Drive spoke at the public hearing about their concerns about the property being rezoned. Those concerns include pollution, safety issues with large trucks coming and going from the property, degrading property values, and incompatibility with nearby wetlands and Mill Creek.

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