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Dr. Robert Bowers cuts back hours at Lane Animal Hospital

Dr. Robert Bowers and Ryan at Lane Animal Hospital.
Dr. Robert Bowers and Ryan at Lane Animal Hospital.

After almost 45 years, Dr. Robert C. Bowers, DVM, vice president and one of the Lane Animal Hospital practice owners, plans to cut back his hours at the veterinary hospital where he’s practiced since graduating from Ohio State University in 1972.

Known affectionately as the head and rearend doc at the animal hospital, he says he plans to continue working one day a week and continue to perform surgeries one day a month.

Born and raised in West Virginia, Bowers not only completed his undergrad studies at Ohio State but also his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine where he met and eventually married his wife of 49 years, Lisel.

“I’d like to say thank you to my wife who answered the phone at home, took care of the kids as well as our home. She’s been my main person. Without her I wouldn’t have been able to do all the things I do,” Bowers says.

Bowers, along with Dr. Art Tremper, have truly “treated this clients and pets like family” for decades. While at the start, Tremper focused on the large animals, Bowers says he assisted and learned from Dr. Wilfred Lane working on the small animals in the office.

And since then, he has taken on the mentoring role at Lane Animal Hospital.

“The second full month that I was here, Dr. Margaret (Lane) and Dr. Jon (Lane) were away on vacation and Dr. Tremper was on leave. It was just Dr. B and a brand new grad veterinarian to hold down the fort. I couldn’t have gotten through without his great mentoring. He’s helped me grow to become the doctor I am today. We will all really miss having him around the hospital,” says Dr. Holly Fava.

“Dr. Bowers is more than just a mentor and a colleague,” says Dr. Margaret Lane. “He has absolutely taught me, not just how to treat patients, but how to treat people. I strive to be a person that he can be proud of.”

Bowers says he tries to see client’s pets from their standpoint and to help both person and pet.

“Dr. B has a habit of crawling around on the floor or wherever he needs to be to get on his patient’s level,” says a staff member. “Never mind the fact that he has a bum knee; he’s the first to get down on the floor with a pet to make them feel more comfortable.”

His caring way with both people and pets is felt inside and outside the examination room.

Dr. B and Ryan, who has been one of his patients for many years.
Dr. B and Ryan, who has been one of his patients for many years.

“Dr. B is the most thoughtful boss I’ve ever had,” says Mina Buttrick. “He is always bringing in food, candy and flowers for staff members to brighten up their day. He also has a great sense of humor and always keeps our staff entertained.”

She says, “Working in the veterinary field is a blessing, but it can sometimes also be a challenge. Not every day is filled with puppies and kittens, but Dr. Bowers makes everyone feel important and appreciated. We will miss him terribly.”

Staff members and clients say he takes the extra time needed to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to pet care.

Dr. Jennifer Rokke says, “It has been a great honor to work aside such an amazing man. Dr. Bowers is a fine doctor and has served our profession well. He is one of the most humble and caring people with a work ethic second to none.”

She says, “His compassion and dedication not only for his patients and clients but for his staff, fellow doctors and of course, his wife and children is something to be greatly admired.”

Following his father’s death, Dr. Jon Lane says “as much as anyone can, Dr. Bowers has done a remarkable job of stepping in and filling the role of my father, not only as a partner and colleague, but also as a father figure as well.”

All three of the Bowers’ children were born and raised in Chelsea and went through the Chelsea Schools. Now, he and his wife have two grandchildren, who they’d like to spend more time with.

Although currently without pets in the house, Bowers says they have “grandcats” and “granddogs” that visit.

“I enjoy the animals,” he says, having watched as veterinary medicine has evolved throughout the years with better nutrition, better medicine and new and better procedures that are giving new hope for pets to enjoy longer lives.

According to Lane Animal Hospital staff, here are a few tidbits his clients might not know.

Dr. B enjoys 70’s and 80’s rock music and one day aspires to have all his favorites on his iPod.

In addition, Dr. B’s favorite car was an old VW bug that he got in 1968. He drove it until the bottom floor boards rusted out.

Following scheduled knee surgery, Bowers plans to be back at Lane Animal Hospital continuing to perform veterinary medicine as he has most of his life – although staff and longtime clients will see him less frequently.

“I’ll help my associates with time off and assist them for vacations and emergency surgeries,” he said.

Bowers says he’s made a lot of friends over the years. “I’ve watched their children and their children’s children grow up.”

One of the cutest stories he recalls was when a dog came into the practice and he told the owner’s the animal was pregnant. The owner said, “She can’t be pregnant, we have an invisible fence.”

With his reduced work load, Bowers plans to travel and spend more time with his children and grandchildren. His semi-retirement began Dec. 9.

(Publisher’s note: I would like to personally thank Dr. B for all he’s done for Ryan over the years including, but not limited to, removal of his anal sacs, which kept getting infected, and treating a number Ryan’s eye problems. I credit Dr. B with Ryan’s return to a healthy life that’s been filled with many dog shows, constant tail wagging, and lots of retrieving and swimming at the lake.)

Dr. Roberts Bowers and Ryan, one of the thousands of pets he's treated over the last 45 years at Lane Animal Hospital.
Dr. Roberts Bowers and Ryan, one of the thousands of pets he’s treated over the last 45 years at Lane Animal Hospital.
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2 thoughts on “Dr. Robert Bowers cuts back hours at Lane Animal Hospital”

  1. Dr. B has been our go to vet for nearly 20 years, including a vet-shy Aussie with serious health problems. When it came time to end her suffering, he made a house call so she could die where she was happiest. With all our dogs, he’s felt their pain and fear as deeply as we did

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