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Historical Sign Marking The Livery Lot Unveiled Downtown

Photo by Dolan Personke. CAHS board members and Chelsea Mayor Jane Pacheco at the unveiling of the Livery lot plaque. Included are Janet Ogle-Mater,  Shawn Personke, Dave Strauss, Jane Cresswell, Jane Pacheco, Jan Bernath and Bob Dancer.
Photo by Shawn Personke. Jan Bernath, who worked closely with the city to erect this historical marker downtown.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Shawn Personke for the information in this story.)

On Friday, May 12, the Chelsea Area Historical Society and the City of Chelsea erected a commemorative plaque to mark the home of Chelsea’s first livery, built in 1863 and located behind Agricole Farm Stop. 

In 1905, John Wagner, proprietor of Chelsea House Hotel, replaced the last wooden livery with a molded cement block structure that housed both horses and carriages. B.J. Conlan purchased the livery six years later and over time it was used as a warehouse for onions, wool, and automobiles, which Palmer Motor Sales stored there during World War II.

Longworth Plating operated in the livery from 1946-2002. 

The City of Chelsea bought the Longworth property in 2004 and eventually demolished the livery in 2014 to make way for the parking lot.  

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