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Hunger Walk 2013: 100 walkers raise about $20,000

Courtesy photo. Walkers from North Lake Church at the 2013 Hunger Walk.
Courtesy photo. Walkers from North Lake Church at the 2013 Hunger Walk.
Courtesy photo. Joe Weber.
Courtesy photo. Joe Weber.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kathie Gourlay, Chelsea/Dexter Hunger Walk coordinator, for the information and photos in this story.)

The 26th Annual Chelsea/Dexter CROP Hunger Walk took place in Chelsea on Sunday, Oct. 6, and the weather was warm, but threatening rain.

Luckily, except for some sprinkles, the rain held off until the last walker arrived back at St. Paul United Church of Christ. Approximately 100 walkers participated, and preliminary figures show that more than $20,000 was raised.

The money will help to alleviate hunger and help poor people around the world, while 25 percent of the amount raised will remain in our local area and be given to Faith in Action.

Kathie Gourlay, the coordinator of the walk, says that there are very ardent supporters of the event, who raise money, walk, and even help organize the walk each year.

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