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Jan. 30: Mental Health 101: Shattering Stigma and Building Resilience

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Liza Grey for the information in this story.)

This is the first of three speaker groups in the series that will take place at Chelsea First United Methodist Church.

The first event will be held on Jan. 30 at 4 p.m. both at the church, 128 Park St. as well as virtually. For the livestream, click HERE.

“This hybrid presentation brings together the expertise of WACC’s Wellness and Resilience Program, and the personal testimonials of NAMI’s Ending the Silence to create a new program: Mental Health 101. We’ll talk about mental health education for families, breaking down stigma, recognizing the warning signs, steps to seek support, building resiliency, and how the digital world affects the mental health of our youth.”

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