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Josh Kowalski, Sydnee Liedel win respective X-C races

Bulldog logo (Chelsea Update would like to thank Loren Thorburn for these results.)

The Beach Middle School Cross Country team just keeps getting faster.

Last weekend, the Bulldogs ran strong at the Chelsea Invitational with Josh Kowalski winning the boys’ race and Sydnee Liedel winning the girls’ race.

Foster Thorburn and Connor Gilbreath were the next two Chelsea finishers for the boys and Caroline Hirth and Allison Hughes for the girls.

Spencer Smith, Tyler Macheske and Beau Bremer all cut substantial amounts from their previous times to earn season best finishes.

Race times were also slashed by Allison Hause, Katie McInnis and Kaia Newman to earn their own season best times.

Great work athletes. Go Bulldogs.

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