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July 10: Vintage Barn Boutique opens doors today

(Publisher’s Note: 108 E. Middle street was the former location for Just Imagine book store. My apologies for the mistake.)

Chelsea resident Cathy Melton will open her new business Vintage Barn Boutique today, July 10, at 10 a.m. in the old Just Imagine Book Store space next to the old police station at 108 E. Middle Street.

Melton will keep her business open until 9 p.m. Thursday evening so everyone who attends Sounds and Sights on Thursday Nights can pop in and see the restored and repurposed furniture and vintage housewares and antiques Melton sells.


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3 thoughts on “July 10: Vintage Barn Boutique opens doors today”

  1. Isn’t the Vintage Barn Boutique opening in the spot where Just Imagine bookstore
    space was ?? Next to the old police station

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