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July 16-18: Foam Recycle Weekend in Chelsea

Courtesy photo from Shawn Personke. Bill Christen (on right) and Dart driver at the bin site in Chelsea.

Photos and Story By Shawn Personke

Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority (WWRA) will host a second Foam Recycle Weekend on July 16-18 – on the heels of the first successful weekend in June.

“The turnout and feedback from our community was wonderful,” said WWRA volunteer William Christen. “So many people told us they were so happy that we were collecting foam and that they hoped we’d do it again.”

DART Container said that WWRA collected over 900 pounds of clean, acceptable foam.

Christen, who had been collecting foam in his garage for the past two years and then delivering to DART Container, has a keen idea on what is and is not considered #6 foam.

“For most of us, it is food containers; egg cartons; cups; packaging that comes with furniture, appliances, computers; and coolers for medicine and Omaha Steaks,” said Christen.

“It is not packing peanuts, the thin, flexible foam sheeting that is used for packaging, foam wrapped in plastic or tape used in packaging, the light blue construction foam that carries the brand name ‘Styrofoam,’ nor the foam that has a layered appearance and does not break or crumble.”

Foam can be transported to the collection site in any container.  Volunteers will assist in identifying the foam that can be recycled.

Items not accepted are building insulation boards and packing peanuts. These materials can be taken to Recycle Ann Arbor on Ellsworth.

Hours for the event are Friday, July 16, 10 a.m. to noon and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, July 17, 9 a.m. to 6p.m.; Sunday, July 18, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The foam that DART Container, a manufacturer of food and beverage packaging items, collects through these drives throughout Michigan is sold it to other companies that make picture frames, interior molding, pens, rulers and foam packaging out of recycled foam.

Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority (WWRA) is a not-for-profit partnership of and subsidized by five municipalities (Townships of Dexter, Lyndon, Manchester and Lima, and the City of Chelsea) working together to find alternative ways to handle waste and promote reducing, reusing, and recycling. The townships are served by convenient drop-off centers while the City of Chelsea has weekly curbside recycling pick up. For more information, visit

Courtesy photo from Shawn Personke.
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