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July 23 Happy 5th Birthday Chelsea Update

Today, July 23, marks Chelsea Update‘s fifth birthday.

Over those years, I’ve published more than 10,750 stories and photo galleries. How’s that for a lot of Chelsea Community news?

Since deciding to give up my full-time job with benefits to publish Chelsea Update for this community, I’ve truly been blessed. In the beginning, help came from former colleagues at the Ann Arbor News and folks I knew in the community. And as each year has passed, and this community has come to rely on Chelsea Update for their local news, it seems like almost everyone in this awesome community has assisted me in some way. Either they have provided me with stories, tips, information, and photos or advertised or donated to my efforts.

I promise you, I never get tired of people saying how much they love Chelsea Update. And yes, I work super hard on it each day because I know how much this community is counting on me to bring them the news. All of these factors have enabled me to continue publishing Chelsea Update and I cannot begin to thank everyone enough for their continued support along the way.

With all that said, I hope that you will take a few minutes on Friday, July 28 to stop by the Chelsea Bakery and help me celebrate the fifth birthday of your local news source. I’ll be there from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. (or so) and yes, folks, there will be cake. Two kinds. And cookies. So please, while enjoying the Sounds and Sights Festival, be sure to stop in the bakery and let’s celebrate our mutual accomplishments because without you, there would be no Chelsea Update.

Thank you all so very much.

Hope to see you Friday.





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2 thoughts on “July 23 Happy 5th Birthday Chelsea Update”

  1. Congrats, Lisa! Love the Chelsea Update. . .I rely on it completely for our community new and happenings. Cheers to many more years on the web!

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