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Knight’s of Columbus Say Thank You

Dear Editor:

The Saint Louis Guanella Council of the Knight’s of Columbus would like to thank everyone who played Bingo at the Chelsea Community Fair.

We also thank all those who purchased a chicken dinner on Saturday Aug. 27 at St Mary Church. 

Both of those programs were a great success due to you.

Our next chicken broil is Saturday, Oct. 7 starting at 11 am. Unfortunately, we are going to have to raise our price to $15 due to rising costs. Still a deal for 1/2 of the best tasting chicken in SE Michigan, baked potato, cole slaw, dinner roll, cookies and a drink.

Hope to see everyone on Oct 7.

We are truly blessed to live in the wonderful giving community of Chelsea.

Thanks again for supporting these two programs.

Jack Klovski
Grand Knight
Saint Louis Guanella Council 3092

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