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Last chance to get gourmet nuts from Chelsea Kiwanis members

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

This is your last chance to get Heidi-Ho gourmet nuts from the Chelsea Kiwanis Club members. A can of 36 oz. mixed nuts sells for $20, contains almonds, pecans, brazil nuts, pistachios, oil and salt. There are no peanuts.

(Publisher’s note: they are really good.)

See any Kiwanian or leave a message at our website or facebook page to help us with our community support, especially for causes that benefit children.

Last Saturday, club members joined the Chelsea High School Key Club members at St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea hospital for the annual “Breakfast with Santa” event. Children and grandchildren of hospital staff enjoyed a continental breakfast while visiting Santa. Then, kids could have fun making some Christmas crafts, play some holiday games, and decorate cookies. Key Club members and Kiwanians facilitated the crafts, games and decorating.
The club has had a close relationship with the hospital for more than 30 years. The hospital has provided our club’s meals, the dining room, and audiovisual equipment for our use. In addition, several of our members have been, and are currently, employees or volunteers at the hospital.
Monday, the club will have its annual Christmas potluck for members and guests. Our regular meetings will resume at the hospital dining room on Monday, Jan. 6.
Chelsea Kiwanis meets each Monday at 6:15 p.m. in the St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital cafeteria, and the speakers begin at about 6:45 p.m.

Everyone is invited to the club’s meetings to enjoy our speakers and learn about Kiwanis.

Go to for more information.

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