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Learn about bird intelligence Sunday during program at the Discovery Center

Discovery Center Trail Map“Bird Brains – Intelligence and Perception,” new program at the Eddy Discovery Center on Sunday, March 17 from 2-3 p.m.

What is intelligence in birds, and how do they perceive the world?

Join Dr. Craig Perdue, animal behaviorist, as he examines these and other questions through close-up activities with Glory, the Harris’ Hawk, Jezebel, the Great horned Owl, Vulcan, the Peregrine Falcon, and Tere, the European Starling.

Weather permitting, Perdue will take people on an optional walk after the program to look at the “conversations” of birds in the area.

The cost for this program is $2 per person or $5 for a family.

The Discovery Center is located at 17030 Bush Road in Sylvan Township in the Waterloo Recreation Area.

Advance registration requested, please call 475-3170 to do so.


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