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Letter to the Editor: Support for Glenn Fox

Dear Editor:
Most Chelsea residents would agree that this is an incredible community, with great people and so much to offer, including an exceptional school district. 

Like many other communities however, we have experienced a strain on our abilities to communicate and work together over these last few, very difficult, years. I do not believe this is a permanent state that we’re in. 

We have 4 seats to fill on our school board. School board elections used to go largely ignored, and in recent years we’ve all learned the valuable lesson that these are very important positions. They are meant for collaborative, open minded people who are objective, capable of thoughtful communication and who will do their due diligence on the needs of our students, teachers and our district as a whole. 

Our community needs to steer itself back to a place where we can set aside partisan antics and theatrics and truly work together for the betterment of the people who live here. 

I wholeheartedly feel that Dr. Glenn Fox is the embodiment of that spirit. He is an empathetic listener, an experienced researcher and educator, who I know will be objective and caring when it comes to the needs of our students. All of our students.

I have faith that this community can rise above the division we’re experiencing, and one of the first steps in achieving that is putting leaders in place that will carry that goal with them. Dr. Glenn Fox absolutely has my vote and I would encourage community members to reach out to him with any questions or concerns they may have.  Please get out and vote in November.

Susanne Vanden Bosch

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