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Meet your four Chelsea City Council candidates

Below are profiles of your four Chelsea City Council candidates in alphabetical order.

On Nov. 5, Chelsea voters will be asked to vote for not more than three candidates, and the top three vote getters will serve 4-year terms. To learn more about them, be sure to attend the council candidate forum on Wednesday, Oct. 16.

Peter Feeney.



EDUCATION: Chelsea High School, 1977, University of Colorado, BA 1982, University of Michigan, MBA 1990

ANY PREVIOUS ELECTED OFFICE: Chelsea City Council since 2015

CURRENT PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICE: Chelsea Area Fire Authority Board, Chelsea Community Foundation Board, Purple Rose Theater Board, Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative Board, WAVE Bus Board

KEY ISSUES (Please BRIEFLY identify the top two issues of your campaign, i.e. why you are running for the City Council.)

  1. Keeping the lights on, water clean and flowing and the streets maintained by a well-managed, motivated work force.
  2. Affordable housing for young families and workers.

SUMMARY: (Please provide ONLY a sentence or two explaining how you will address the two key issues you’ve chosen above.)

  1. The citizens of Chelsea expect council to ensure the day to day needs of the community first and foremost and from that firm foundation position the city for future opportunities.
  2. The city should promote future development that provides a variety of housing stock including apartments and condos to encourage better affordability so that we can attract young families and help fill our schools.

PERSONAL: married 31 years, wife Patricia (more people know her than know me), Son, Austin, 30 years old, married, graduate of Albion College; senior insurance underwriter in Ann Arbor and completing his MBA at UM Ross School of Business; Son, Riley, 28 years old, married, graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and Air Force pilot and recently completed a master’s degree in applied statistics from Colorado State University; Son, Tate, 27 years old, married, PhD in Pharmacy from Ferris State, completed second pharmacy residency at the University of Rochester (NY) where he is employed as a transplant clinical pharmacy specialist.

Jane Pacheco.


OCCUPATION: Chelsea City Council Member, MSUE 4H Program Assistant

EDUCATION: Chelsea High School, 1991, University of Michigan, BA (LSA) 1994

ANY PREVIOUS ELECTED OFFICE: Chelsea City Council 2013 – present

CURRENT PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICE: One of my council committee responsibilities for the past few years has been a liaison member of the Chelsea Area Planning Team/Dexter Area Regional Team (CAPT/DART). This is a good example of leadership from area communities convening to brainstorm, educate, and have discussion about issues facing Western Washtenaw County. I am also actively involved in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and 4H, as well as the new Youth Mental Health Community Collaborative.

KEY ISSUES: (Please BRIEFLY identify the top two issues of your campaign, i.e. why you are running for the City Council.) One of my main interests in representing Chelsea has been to bridge relationships with regional partners. A myriad of issues faces our communities in terms of housing, transportation, equity, education, mental health, etc. and it is my opinion that the best solutions to these challenges include regional solutions.

SUMMARY (Please provide ONLY a sentence or two explaining how you will address the two key issues you’ve chosen above.)

In order for Chelsea to continue to be a great place for families to live, we need to continue to be a great place for all of us to live. We need to continue to embrace and nurture partnerships; promote accountability and trust; and make sure we are including a wide representation of our community in decision-making.

WEBSITE: Facebook:

PERSONAL: 46, married, Dennis Crawley, 2 children – Gavin Crawley (16), Kiera Crawley (13)

Andi Philippe.


OCCUPATION: Social Work student at Eastern Michigan University

EDUCATION: Lutheran High Northwest class of 1998, University of Michigan class of 2010 – BA in Linguistics

ANY PREVIOUS ELECTED OFFICE: (Have you been elected to an office previously? If so which one or ones, and what years did you serve in that elected capacity?)

I served on the University of Michigan’s Library Diversity Council in 2015.

CURRENT PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICE: (Do you serve on any boards or committees in the community? If so, please list a few of them and when you served.) None.

KEY ISSUES (Please BRIEFLY identify the top two issues of your campaign, i.e. why you are running for the City Council.)

  1. I want Chelsea’s City Council to fully represent our community demographics. As a younger Generation X member/older Millennial, and as someone with children (as well as my 82-year-old father) who live in Chelsea, I believe I have a unique perspective to add to the council.
  2. Introduction of mental health supports in Chelsea is a top issue for me. No one wants to talk about it, but our suicide rate – especially among our teens – is astronomical. In 2017, the rate of suicide for teens in the state of Michigan was roughly 1/9,000. But, for the last several years, we have lost at least 2 Chelsea teenagers per year to suicide. That’s about 1/500. That’s a crisis.

SUMMARY (Please provide ONLY a sentence or two explaining how you will address the two key issues you’ve chosen above.)

  1. I will bring my generation’s perspective and voice to the Council, and I will reach out to our youngest voters to encourage their involvement in politics at all levels – local to federal.
  2. I will help establish a Community Mental Health committee for our city.

PERSONAL: 39, married to John Luther, two children: Yves Philippe (18), Indigo Philippe (15)

Charles Wisely.

CANDIDATE NAME: Charles Wiseley

OCCUPATION: Commercial, Residential and Estate Management, National and International

EDUCATION: Dexter High School Graduate 1982, WCC Criminal Justice 1984


CURRENT PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICE: (Do you serve on any boards or committees in the community? If so, please list a few of them and when you served.) Chelsea Downtown Development Authority since 2017, I’ve been regularly attending Chelsea City Council meetings for the past two years. I have also regularly attended the Human Rights, Planning and Zoning and Affordable Housing Committees since 2017.

KEY ISSUES (Please BRIEFLY identify the top two issues of your campaign, i.e. why you are running for the City Council.)

  1. To support fiscally conservative spending habits in the city of Chelsea.
  2. To support diverse social and cultural community in Chelsea.

SUMMARY (Please provide ONLY a sentence or two explaining how you will address the two key issues you’ve chosen above.)

  1. I will lean on my experience from commercial and property management to maintain a fiscally conservative budget for the City of Chelsea.
  2. Participate at the City Council meetings in a more active and decision-making role. Also continue participating at the Affordable Housing Committee meetings and the Human Rights Planning and Zoning Committee meetings.

PERSONAL: 55, married, wife Zuzana, son Albert (10) and daughter Greta (8)

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1 thought on “Meet your four Chelsea City Council candidates”

  1. To me this sounds like a lot of the same. There is one candidate that looks to expand Chelsea into an apartment and condo community but that is not Chelsea’s history or future. Chelsea has always been a small community with generations of people living there and I don’t believe anyone wants another Ann Arbor.
    Nobody has addressed specific issues within the city. Cost of water is one of the highest in the state. Garbage cost is ridiculous and should be put out to bid with a regional company which would lower cost. Infrastructure is poor, sidewalks are broken streets are in shambles and empty buildings plague the city.
    Chelsea can be even more amazing than it is but the people running for office need to look outside of the “popular” political rhetoric and run on what actually will help the city!

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