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North Creek, South Meadows students ‘get movin’ during fun run

First-graders (and friends) participate in a fun run at North Creek Elementary.

(Publisher’s note: This event was organized by the Chelsea PTO, a group of people who work extremely hard with the schools to put together special programs for the students and raise funds for programs, grants, playground equipment and other needs in the school district.)

Students in North Creek and South Meadows elementary schools spent 30 minutes Thursday in the first “fun run,” “Get Movin-A-Thon” at their schools while participating in “healthy fundraising.”

Parents offer encouragement from the sidelines.

North Creek Elementary Principal Marcus Kaemming said the event was planned to augment a healthier school, and the about 470 kids at North were divided up by grade for the morning activity.

Kindergarteners went first and were encouraged to wear blue to school. The first-graders were asked to dress in red and the second-graders donned orange for fun run.

At South, the third-graders were asked to wear purple, the fifth-graders to wear  green and the fourth-graders were asked to wear yellow. Each child was given a pedometer to log their steps and upon completion of the 30 minutes, they were rewarded with a Popsicle.

Urged on with up-beat music, parental support on the sidelines, their teachers and principals, the students took to the designated “Get Movin” area at North and walked, ran and skipped their way through the event.

The goal was to keep moving for the entire time; it was not a competition.

High-five's for the fun run.

At the end, “Movin’ Max” waved a checkered flag to signal the end of the “race.”

The new program is part of the schools’ two-tiered effort to fundraise for “everything that makes North Creek and South Meadows Elementary Schools fun, educational and exciting for your children,” according to information about the first-time event.

Should the schools meet the goal of $16,000, Kaemming said he and South Meadows Elementary Principal Lisa Nichols would be duct-taped to a wall by the students.

“We aim to teach kids to be active while they have fun movin’ for their school for a cause,” the information states.

Here are a few of the reasons why everyone, not just the students, should stay active today and every day.

  • Exercise boosts brainpower
  • Daily activity goal=10,000 steps, which equals about 4 miles.
  • Pedometers are a great way to track your daily exercise count.
  • A healthy body=A healthy mind.

The money raised will be used to provide mini-grants, playground equipment, classroom gifts and support the students in the classroom, Kaemming said.

A scene from the fun run.
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