(Chelsea Update would like to thank Duane Luick for the information in this story.)
I’d like to inform all the Lima Township residents about the upcoming renovation of our historic town hall and addition of offices and election space that has been approved by the Board of Trustees and the Township Planning Commission.
If you weren’t available to attend the public information meeting on April 19, 2024, its purpose was to show all the plans and ask questions of the architect, Scott McElrath (Dangerous Architects) and the township engineer, Adam Lalik.
A wonderful 3-dimensional computer presentation of the exterior was shown, including entrances, tower replacement and ADA compliance.
All of these plans are available in the Lima Township offices to view during office hours. An update of election space, technology, HVAC systems, restrooms and offices for employees has been badly needed for over 10 years.
The approved projected cost is $1.149 million. I want to assure all the residents that Lima Township has the funding for this construction project. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds available are $416,000 and the remainder is allocated capital Improvement funds reserved for the building project. Township reserves will be around $1.7 million after this project is paid for. There will be no tax millage or borrowing for this.
The Building Committee has done due diligence to accommodate all the needs of our board and employees, in an effort to keep the offices in the same location as the town hall and eliminate rental from another agency.
I am proud that this is finally getting done, along with the attempts to keep costs at a minimum which is my original and ongoing goal for the Lima residents. Please feel free to call me with questions, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 AM-12 noon at 734-475-2246, Ext. 201 or email dluick@limatownshipmi.gov