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Nov. 22-25: Sheriff’s Office to step up holiday drunk driving enforcement

The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s will be stepping up drunk driving patrols beginning Nov. 22 through Nov. 25 across the county to keep roadways safe from distracted, intoxicated and otherwise dangerous drivers.

The countywide campaign aims to reduce deaths and injuries from car accidents — particularly important at this time of year, when millions of travelers take to the state’s roadways.

More than 400 people are killed each year during the Thanksgiving holiday and another 45,000 accidents occur, according to the National Safety Council.

Statistically, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is one of the busiest bar nights of the year.

If you are going to drink, please have a designator driver or take a cab home.

In Michigan, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of .08 or higher, although motorists can be arrested at any BAC level if an officer believes they are impaired.

Motorists face enhanced penalties if arrested for a first-time drunk driving offense with a .17 BAC or higher.

“Our goal with these traffic details is to ensure that you and your loved ones travel safely over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend,” Sgt. Campbell said. “If you find yourself behind the wheel this holiday season, please drive sober, defensively, buckle up and watch out for other drivers.”

The Driver Sober or Get Pulled Over advertisement can be seen here:


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