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Publisher’s Message: Please Help Me Highlight Random Acts of Kindness

Last week, I ran a thank you from a reader to a stranger who went out of the way to assist her in an unusual random act of kindness.  

This prompted a note from a reader who moved to Chelsea from Pennsylvania where her local paper ran a random act of kindness feature, which she said was one of her favorite items to read in the paper.  

This was not the first time this idea had been suggested to me. Years ago, a friend told me about something similar that was published in another paper. At the time, I admit, I thought it sounded a little hokey.

But, so much has happened nationally and in the city since then, this seems like the perfect time to launch this idea.

But I need your help.

If you have been on the giving or receiving end of a random act of kindness in Chelsea, please email me and tell me about it. I can be reached at

If you’d like to remain anonymous, that’s fine.

In the 20-some years that I’ve lived here, numerous situations have presented themselves during the most unlikely of circumstances or situations when I have been both a giver and a recipient of random acts of kindness. Both were equally spontaneous and uplifting.

And through Chelsea Update, I’d like to tell your stories about the kind folks in this community who have taken the time to show they care about others.

So, please tell me about your experiences, I know there are lots of you out there who have been on both ends.

Help me put smiles on the faces of readers with your stories.

Along the same lines, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the following folks who were kind enough to recently donate to Chelsea Update’s continuing operations.

If you’d like to make a non-tax deductible donation, you can do so through the home page through the donate button or send a check in any amount made out to Chelsea Update, and mail it to 18829 Bush Road, Chelsea, MI 48118. Every dollar helps me continue to bring you your daily news. And if you’d like to remain anonymous, that’s fine, too. Just ask. 

  • Florence Beach
  • Jana Dreyer
  • Jim Drolett
  • Wendy Reinhardt
  • Claire Robinson
  • Dania Dunlap-Hurden
  • Malinda McCain
  • Olivia DeTroyer
  • Laura Dam Schroder
  • Catherine Kattula-Klink
  • Jennifer Palmbos
  • Ruddock Consulting
  • Carol Strahler
  • Elizabeth Crescio