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Ray Kemner Honored by Local Scout Troops

Courtesy photo from John Knox. Ray Kemner and some of the scouts who surprised him for his years of service to local scouts.

By Lisa Carolin

For more than a decade, Chelsea resident Ray Kemner has served as the Charter Organization Representative (COR) for a number of local scouting groups. On Nov. 29, members from Troops 476 and 425, and Packs 435 and 455 (which merged), surprised Kemner at the Chelsea Fairgrounds.

Kemner, a longtime member of the Chelsea Kiwanis Club, was attending the group’s weekly dinner and meeting when 21 scouts and six scout leaders surprised Kemner.

“The scouts held thank you signs, sang “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow,” and presented him with a scout ornament and Kiwanis members with celebration cupcakes,” said Linda Detterman, Troop 476 Committee Chair. “The expression on Ray’s face was first of surprise then became heartwarming. His wife Patsy, who knew of the surprise recognition, said they both were extremely touched by the gesture.”

The Chelsea Kiwanis Club has served as the charter organization for all the aforementioned troops and packs, something that is required for a scout unit to exist.

“Responsibilities of chartered organizations include providing quality leadership and organizational assistance for the scouting unit, as well as appointing a chartered organization representative to coordinate all scouting unit operations within the organization,” said Detterman. “Ray served in that role.”

It was a perfect fit for Kemner to serve as the COR, the natural connection between the scouts and the Chelsea Kiwanis.

“The sponsor’s objectives, mission, and methodologies need to be compatible with those of the BSA (Boy Scouts of America),” said Detterman “The chartered organization almost always serves youth in some way and agrees to use the scouting program to further its mission to serve young people. Thus, the Kiwanis is the perfect organization to sponsor the charters of scouts BSA units.”

Detterman complimented Kemner’s generosity for the time he has given to the scouts. Kemner also managed Kiwanis’ food trailer for many years and managed the large popcorn sales for the scouts at the Chelsea Fairgrounds when they sold popcorn in the stands.

“He’s just an incredibly giving man, often with few words, great wit, and always with a smile – a very familiar smile,” said Detterman. “So volunteering to be the COR just seems like a natural role he’d take on.”

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