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Show Your Appreciation for St. Joe’s Chelsea Health Care Professionals (with slideshows)

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Judy Oake for the information and for providing the photos for this story.)

To help celebrate National Nurses Week (May 6-12) and National Hospital Week (May 9-15) and to honor our health care workers who are still battling Covid-19 every day, the Patient Experience Advisory Council of St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea has organized a variety of expressions of gratitude.

The Council, made up of community volunteers, reached out to local daycare centers and elementary schools and invited them to express their appreciation for St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea hospital staff through artwork. 

Who doesn’t love looking at children’s artwork?

Additionally, senior citizens from Silver Maples, United Methodist Retirement Center, the Pines and the Chelsea Senior Center mailed cards and letters of gratitude to express their thanks for our caregivers. 

While many of us might be mentally “over Covid,” it is not yet over, and our health care works continue to battle this virus and care for our loved ones.

We can’t say it often enough, but we see you, we need you and we appreciate you.

If you wish to extend your thanks to the health care workers at St. Joe’s Chelsea, you may mail or drop off your letter of thanks at the hospital with attention to Jaclyn Klein or Lori Williams. 

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