(Chelsea Update would like to thank Gordon Schleicher for the information in this story.)
St. Louis Center Aktion Club president Lisa presents a check for $500 to Sarah Shugart, executive director of Faith In Action.
Shugart shared with the 20-member Aktion Club how their monetary gift would help provide FIA services. FIA provides a food pantry, clothing, and household goods free of charge.
Plus, grants to help people make rent/mortgage, car, and utility payments.
FIA also distributes Thanksgiving family food baskets and backpacks filled with school supplies to Chelsea school children.
The Aktion Club raised the money through the sale of handmade Christmas cards.
Aktion Club is a service club for adults living with developmental disabilities and is sponsored by the Chelsea Kiwanis Club.
For more information about Aktion Club check out www.Aktionclub.org