Wild turkeys are more than a Thanksgiving symbol—they’re nature’s showstoppers, captivating us with their unique traits and rich history.
Here are some fun facts to share this season:
- Astoundingly Swift: Wild Turkeys can run at speeds of 25 mph and fly up to 55 mph in short, powerful bursts.
- Surprising Swimmers: Yes, turkeys can swim. By tucking their wings, spreading their tails, and kicking, they can cross ponds and streams with ease.
- Better Together: Newly hatched Wild Turkey chicks follow their mother, who feeds them until they learn to find food on their own. As the chicks grow, they band together with other groups of hens and their broods. Winter groups can sometimes exceed 200 turkeys.
- Domestic Connection: Modern domestic turkeys are direct descendants of Wild Turkeys, which were originally domesticated by the indigenous peoples in Mexico.
Here are more wild turkey facts.