(Chelsea Update would like to thank Megan DeLeeuw for the information in this story.)
The Washtenaw County Conservation District will be conducting its second annual soil drive Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 8 a.m.-4:30 PM, through Friday, Oct. 14 at noon at the Washtenaw County Conservation District office at 705 N. Zeeb Road in Ann Arbor.
Residents and farmers in Washtenaw County can drop off soil samples to the office, where it will then be sent to the Soil and Plant Diagnostic lab at Michigan State University.
The Washtenaw County Conservation District will cover the cost of one soil sample for residents, and up to five soil samples for farmers in the county. Residents and farmers simply need to bring a sample in a zip lock bag and fill out the soil sample intake form upon arrival.
Soil sample reports are a useful tool for residents, landowners, and farmers. The soil reports that will be generated by the Michigan State University lab will indicate nutrient levels of Phosphorus, Potassium, and Magnesium, and provide pH measurements as well. A soil sample is the best indicator for a snapshot of where nutrient levels are at a given point in time for a lawn, garden, pasture, or crop field.
The results on a soil sample are the best tool for residents, gardeners, and landowners to make informed decisions on management strategies to meet the needs of their soils to best meet their respective goals.
Gathering a soil sample is a simple task, and instructions on how to gather samples can be found here, www.washtenawcd.org/soilsampling. Once soil samples are sent to the lab, results are typically returned to the grower within two to four weeks. There is no need to register, and all that is required to be brought are two cups of soil in a zip lock bag.
For additional information on this event, general information about the Washtenaw County Conservation District, and more events, please visit our website at www.washtenawcd.org or contact info@washtenawcd.org, 734-302-8715.