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Western Washtenaw Dems hold successful fundraiser

WWDemocrats logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank Roy Schmidt for the information in this story.)

On Sept. 18, the Western Washtenaw Democrats held its annual fundraiser for quality Democratic Party candidates at the Historic Chelsea Train Depot and ushered in the final push for the November 2014 election.

Roy Schmidt, the WWDems Chair, and the individual candidates delivered the goal for the election with impassioned statements to the group, urging all Democrats to work tirelessly and diligently this year to elect Democrats and take back the governorship, Congress, and the Michigan Legislature.

Candidates Kent Martinez-Kratz, County Commissioner for District No. 1; State Representative Gretchen Driskell for the 52nd District; Shari Pollesch, candidate for Michigan Senate for the 22nd District; and Pam Byrnes, candidate for the U.S. Congress 7th District, also addressed the group with positive messages that Democrats are fighting for the middle class and for education.

Gary Peters, candidate for U.S. Senator, and Mark Schauer, candidate for Michigan Governor, were unable to attend the event, but sent their greetings and messages by video link to the group.

Schmidt said he was happy with the outcome: “We were extremely pleased with and surprised by the number of people who attended, and their enthusiasm. The evening not only showcased our strong candidates for Governor, Congress, the Michigan Legislature, and the County Board, but also showed me the interest voters have in changing the direction of all these offices and bodies.”

All funds raised will go directly to Democratic candidates.

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