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WWRA asks city residents not to place new recycling bins in streets

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The Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority is asking residents not to place the new single-stream recycling bins in the street.

“Please place in the bins in the set back or in your driveway,” said Frank Hammer, chairman of the WWRA board, who added that the bins are a safety hazard if placed in the street.

He also reminded residents that if they have a question or concerns about recycling to call the WWRA office at 475-6160 and not the city offices.

“If no one is in the WWRA office,” Hammer said, “Please leave a message and someone will get back to you.”

He said that WWRA is a separate entity from the city.

In addition, for those who still want to purchase a new recycling bin, call 475-6160 and place your order before Nov. 30. In the meantime, people can continue to use their buckets and place the co-mingled material in those until a new shipment of bins are ordered and delivered.

WWRA is waiting to place a second order for the new bins until there are enough people signed up to help reduce the costs of the purchase.

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3 thoughts on “WWRA asks city residents not to place new recycling bins in streets”

  1. I don’t think it was residents putting the bins in the streets. Along my street, all bins within view were properly placed on the set back. After collection, my bin was in the street next to the curb, as all others in view were.

    I had assumed that WWRA placed them there after emptying for some odd reason. But maybe it was some jokester with a strange sense of humor and a lot of free time. I just know it wasn’t the residents.

  2. New Headline: City residents asking WWRA to not leave empty bins in the streets or lying in the driveway blocking entry. (we would prefer on the shoulder away from the street, especially on windy days)

  3. It is WWRA who places the bins in the street after they have emptied them.It takes time to get them situated where they are balanced and won’t roll in the street, since they are empty and light.

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