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Sept. 1: Join in the free Labor Day Walk

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kelli Saunders for the information in this story.)

The Healthy Communities Walking Program and Governor’s Council invites area residents, family, friends, and out-of town visitors to participate in the upcoming Labor Day Fun Walk scheduled for Monday, Sept. 1 at the Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center located at 17030 Bush Road.

This free walking event (5.3 mile hike or 1.5 mile option) begins at 10 a.m. with registration, walking information and kids’ activities occurring from 9-10 a.m.

The Labor Day Fun Walk event schedule is as follows:

  • 9 a.m. Walking Information/Activities
  • Kids Warm-up Games
  • Snacks and Beverages (Fruit, Bagels, Coffee, Juice, Water)
  • 10 a.m. Two Group Walks Begin — 5.3-mile Hickory Hills Trail Fitness Walk or 1.5 Mile bog trail walk and scavenger hunt

Participation in area walking events like this can be a great way to get active with your kids, your family and/or friends. Over time, regular exercise like walking can give you stronger bones, better balance, increased energy, increased stamina, increased strength, weight loss, reduced stress, connection with others and more.

The Healthy Communities Walking Program is a free 12-month walking support and incentive
program serving Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, Grass Lake and Stockbridge.

For more information, contact Kelli Saunders and the Healthy Communities Walking Program at [email protected] or call 734-593-6271 or click here.

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