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April 26-28: Chelsea Lions Club white cane fundraiser

Chelsea Lions Club members xx and xx at the Chelsea Spring Expo on April 13 where they performed free eye exams for children.
Chelsea Lions Club members at the Chelsea Spring Expo on April 13 where they performed free eye exams.

The Chelsea Lions Club will be holding a white cane fundraiser April 26-28 handing out information and collecting donations as part of White Cane Week.

The fundraiser coincides with Gov. Rick Snyder’s declaration that April 26- May 5 is White Cane Week.

The white cane has become an international symbol identifying individuals who are blind or visually impaired, alerting Michigan drivers to observe caution for the safety of drivers and blind pedestrians alike, according to the proclamation.

The Lions Club is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all people, especially Michigan residents, who are blind or visually impaired, providing opportunities for these individuals to achieve greater independence.

White Cane Week efforts support projects and organizations that benefit people who are blind or visually impaired, and helped provide eye examinations, eyeglasses and white canes to those in need, according to the proclamation.

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