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Attorney General Issues SSA Impersonation Scam Warning

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is urging residents to be on high alert for a new impersonation scam after the Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued an alert (PDF) warning about criminals posing as SSA OIG agents and demanding in-person meetings to hand off cash.

SSA OIG agents will never pick up money at your door or in any type of exchange. 

“Staying informed and reporting any suspicious activity is the best way consumers can protect themselves from these harmful scams,” Nessel said. “I commend SSA OIG for their vigilance in helping protect consumers, and our Consumer Protection Team is ready to assist any Michigan residents targeted by these imposters.”  

Consumers who believe they have been a victim of this crime should file a complaint with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center and report the scam to SSA OIG. 

The Attorney General’s Government Imposter Scams alert advises consumers who have received communications from imposters to protect themselves from these scams by: 

  • Blocking the text, email, or call; 
  • Not clicking links or opening attachments; 
  • Reporting the text or email as spam; and 
  • Deleting the text or email from their device. 

The Attorney General’s alert also reminds consumers that government agencies will not: 

  • Promise to increase benefits or fix an issue if a fee is paid; 
  • Threaten arrest or legal action unless money is sent immediately; or 
  • Demand payment in the form of gift cards, wire transfers, prepaid debit cards, cryptocurrency, or cash sent by mail. 

To file a complaint with the Attorney General, contact: 

Consumer Protection Team
P.O. Box 30213
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax: 517-241-3771
Toll-free: 877-765-8388
Online complaint form  

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