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Aug. 10: what’s on the Chelsea Board of Education agenda

Chelsea Board of Education

August 10, 2020 at 6:30 PM – Regular Meeting

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  1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent agenda
  2. * Approval of the minutes from the June 29, 2020, Board Meeting and the regular and Closed Session minutes of the July 13, 2020, Work Session.
  3. Special Presentations

3.a. Return to Learn – 2020-2021 Preparedness and Response Plan Overview

  1. * Staff Reports

4.a. North Creek – Kimberly Gillow

4.b. South Meadows – Stacie Battaglia

4.c. Operations – Tim Courtright

4.d. Technology – Scott Wooster

4.e. Food Service – Deborah Over

4.f. Transportation – Rick Boham

4.g. Special Education – Lisa Nickel

  1. Communications
  2. Board Member and Student Liaison Reports
  3. Public Input
  4. Superintendent/Board Discussion
  5. * Individual Action Items

9.a. Action Item 03-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the Board approve the 2020-2021 Preparedness and Response Plan.

9.b. Action Item 04-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the hire of Aaron Pollard as the Vocal Music Teacher at Chelsea High School and be placed on BA Step 1 of the CEA Master Agreement Salary Schedule.

9.c. Action Item 05-20-21. Superintendent Helber recommends the hire of Jennifer McKay as the Teacher Consultant at North Creek Elementary School and be placed on MA Step 5 of the CEA Master Agreement Salary Schedule.

  1. Information and Discussion

10.a. Equity and Social Justice Coalition Update

10.b. Title IX Policy Updates

  1. Public Input
  2. Superintendent Report
  3. Commendations/Thank-you
  4. Upcoming Events

    Monday – August 24 – 6:30 PM – Board Meeting – Virtual

    Monday – September 14 – 6:30 PM – Board Meeting – TBD

    Monday – September 28 – 6:30 PM – Work Session – TBD

  1. Closed Session, for the purpose of negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
  2. Other
  3. Adjournment
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1 thought on “Aug. 10: what’s on the Chelsea Board of Education agenda”

  1. I am curious what a “Teacher Consultant” actually is. Is that a alternative way of saying “Educational Consultant” so that our school system doesn’t look bad?

    According to some googling: an “Educational consultant advise K-12 school districts on how to integrate technology into the classroom. They design and manage higher education and professional development programs for K-12 teachers at universities and colleges. And they help companies design products for teachers.”

    I think right now technology is fairly integrated considering all the kids are doing internet based classes. I’m not sure why we are worrying about changing the school educational tech. when last I heard there wasn’t a hard plan for reopening the schools. I’ve heard some talk about a 25% lower grades.. then 50%… etc build up over time.. (which seems silly starting with the younger kids who don’t understand social distancing where as the older kids do and can) but I haven’t heard that it was the confirmed plan.

    Well, here is hoping Superintendent Helber has a grand plan. Nothing is more important than educating the children.

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