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Ben Brannon Attains Rank of Eagle Scout

Courtesy photo. Eagle Scout Ben Brannon poses with the pathway he created near St. Mary Church.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Karen Bannon for the information for this story.)

Ben Brannon, who recently graduated from Chelsea High School, also attained the rank of Eagle Scout this spring.

The member of Boy Scout Troop 476 planned, secured funding and built a solid walking path for the Franciscan Sisters of St. Mary Catholic Church. This will allow them to walk safely from their house to the church.

The project included removing a cracked, deteriorated sidewalk and walkway and replacing it with a combination of concrete and paver blocks. Paver blocks were engraved with Christian-inspired words like love, joy and faith. Hence, the walkway was named “Inspiration Path.” 

In March, Chelsea Mayor Jason Lindauer presented Ben with a Proclamation during a City Council Meeting.

In April, an official Eagle Scout ceremony took place at the church and Father William Turner blessed the path.

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2 thoughts on “Ben Brannon Attains Rank of Eagle Scout”

  1. Another reason why Chelsea is such a great place. The youth conintue to astound us with their generosity and and accomplishments. Keep up the good work Ben. You are a true role model for the Cub Scouts who are following in your footsteps.

  2. We at St. Mary are very proud of Ben and the hard work that he put into this project for our Sisters. Also thank you to our parishioners who “bought” individual inspirational brinks.

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