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CAFA to sell old ladder truck as scrap metal

The Chelsea Area Fire Authority unanimously voted to sell its old ladder truck for the highest possible price at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 18.

With the arrival of the new 105-foot aerial ladder truck on Aug. 7, the old Sutphen ladder truck was listed for sale and there was a $5,000 offer from a citizen said Chelsea Fire Chief Jim Payeur.

However, the fire authority was offered more money to sell it for scrap — $300 per ton, which would mean about $6,500 for the about 22-ton truck.

The fire department plans to drive the truck to Jackson and sell it for scrap, then remove the vehicle from the authority’s insurance.




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1 thought on “CAFA to sell old ladder truck as scrap metal”

  1. Getting so little in return for a working fire truck is very sad. How about offering it to Detroit or another community in dire financial straits and keep in in operation. Seems to be a wasted opportunity.

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