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Check out Chelsea’s new yarn store Artisan Knitworks

Photo by Lisa Carolin. Some of the lovely items found in the new yarn store downtown, Artisan Knitworks.
Take a look inside the newest store downtown.

By Lisa Carolin

Artisán Knitworks is a yarn shop that opened in mid-September at 105 North Main St. in downtown Chelsea.

Owners Larry Hart and Sandra F. VanBurkleo, who are married, started the store in Farmington 11 years ago and decided to move it to Chelsea.

“We chose Chelsea because it is a small town that has gotten it right,” said Hart. “The folks here are welcoming. Chelsea has the look and feel of what small town America should be.”

They sell yarn, knitting and crochet tools, vintage and artisanal jewelry and buttons, and finished goods such as hand-knitted sweaters, shawls, and hats.

“I prefer the term “yarn shop” over knit shop because we welcome all sorts of fiber folk:  knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners, felters and machine knitters as opposed to hand knitters,” said Hart.

Artisán Knitworks offers a variety of knitting and crochet classes aimed at beginners to experts and everyone in between.

For information on classes, go to

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