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Chelsea Boys Track Runner-Up to Pinckney in SEC White

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Eric Swager for the information in this story.)

Once again, the Chelsea boys track and field team finished the SEC season very successfully.

Being 2021 runner-up is a good accomplishment for this squad. Pinckney is loaded, and nobody was beating them this year, but we managed to stay close enough to make them a bit nervous.

There were two individual league champions – Aiden McGuire in the Discus, and Will Barhite in a thrilling 300 hurdle race.

“Both guys have progressed quite a bit and deserve the honor,” said coach Eric Swager.

Other all- SEC guys are Ryan Scott in both throws, Dom Guthre in the PV, Brandon Snyder in the LJ, Barhite in the 110 Hurdles, and Connell Alford in the 3200 Run. 

Many other guys scored points and helped us to a very strong showing, Swager said.

The team now heads to the Regional Championship Friday at Milan.

“If we continue to improve, we hope to have a good chunk of guys advance to the state finals in 3 weeks,” the coach said.

Thanks to all the coaches who have done a great job in this challenging year, and to all the parents who have been very supportive all season.

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