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Chelsea boys X-C team finishes 4th in Adrian meet;Trimas meet champ

new Chelsea Bulldogs Logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank coach Eric Swager for the information in this story.)

The first 5K of the cross county season usually holds many surprises, both good and bad says Coach Eric Swager. This Aug. 28 meet was no exception.

Chelsea finished 4th with 76 points, while winning team Bedford finished with 64, Dundee was second with 69 and Coldwater was third with 72 points.

On a bright note, David Trimas was the overall individual champion finishing in 17:33, and Swager said he had to overcome an early “mental mistake to claim the overall championship.”

Joe Vermilye finished 4th in 17:51, Miles Fischer was 17th in 18:40 and Liam Heaney was 24th in 19:04.

Both Abe Cone and Matt Rosolowski ran lifetime bests on this hilly course, and freshmen Jeremy Northrop and Connor Gilbreath “were strong in their 5K competitive debut.”

“We really have some giant improvements ahead of us if we want to achieve our season goals,” Swager said, adding, ”the upcoming weeks will determine is our attitude can be morphed into that of a championship squad.”

The team travels to Springport next week and gets the SEC season started on Sept. 9 at Hudson Mills.

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