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Chelsea City Council OK’s budget, millage and utility rates

Chelsea logoThe Chelsea City Council Tuesday night approved an about $3.866 million operating budget for 2013-14 by a 5-1 vote, which includes an additional $15,000 contribution to help fund the Chelsea-Ann Arbor Express bus route.

Council Member Rod Anderson voted against the budget because he did not approve of the additional funds for the bus service, which transports area residents from Chelsea to Ann Arbor.

He said the city was subsidizing people to work outside of Chelsea. “We are encouraging people to work elsewhere.”

In addition, elected officials unanimously approved a 2-percent increase in residential water rates, or $6.44 per 1,000 gallons of water used plus a $6.76 charge for a 3/4-inch meter. Also approved was a 12-percent increase in residential sewer rates or $7.44 per 1,000 gallons used, plus $17.10 per month service charge for a 3/4-inch or smaller meter.

Also approved was a 2-percent increase in electric rates or a $6.01 base monthly rate, plus $0.0740 per kilowatt used for residential customers.

The 2013-14 millage rate remains the same as last year at 13.1555 mills or $13.155 per $1,000 of taxable value. This breaks down to 11.2 mills for the general fund, 1.2200 mills for streets, and 0.7355 for solid waste.

The City Council also approved a 1.6727 millage rate for the Chelsea Downtown Development Authority properties, which is the same millage as last year, and will generate about $30,000.

In other business, the City Council approved a request to sell two pieces of unneeded city equipment at a Braun & Helmer auction at the Farm Council Grounds on June 5, and the elected officials approved the purchase of four new tasers for the Chelsea Police Department at a total cost of about $5,600 to replace the current tasers, which are eight years old and have become obsolete.


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