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Chelsea Girls Track and Field Team defeats Ypsilanti, 105-30

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Alan Scafuri for the photo gallery and Coach Shane Rodriguez for the information in this story.)

The Chelsea Girls Track and Field Team ran well against SEC rival Ypsilanti, defeating the visiting Grizzlies 105-30.

“We were able to score many points on our overall team depth, and I credit the girls for being out there in 40-degree weather and in excellent spirits,” said Coach Shane Rodriguez.

Despite the cold weather, there were still a number of personal bests and lifetime bests.

“All of the field events showed a lot of promise, and that is an area that must keep improving throughout the season,” the coach said.

Some individual highlights were:

  • Rachael Yordanich running excellent times in the 100 and 200, winning the events
  • Hannah Almheimid ran well in the 100 hurdles, winning in dominant fashion
  • the 4×800 and 4×400 teams took advantage to win their relays
  • Sydney Matusik PR’d in the 400, and won the event
  • Kaehla Manly won the 300 hurdles
  • Emily Schwarz had a huge PR in the 3200 and won the event


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