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Council Member Jim Myles resigns after selling home and business

Jim-Myles-head-shotCouncil Member Jim Myles announced Monday night that he had sold his bed and breakfast and was moving out of Chelsea to be closer to his grandchildren.

“I am submitting my resignation,” he told fellow council members. “I have sold my home and business. It’s been a tremendous pleasure serving the people of Chelsea.”

He said he worked toward better accountability, responsibility and transparency while in elected office.

Since Jan. 19 was his last City Council meeting, the city will need to discuss a process for a replacement prior to the November election when a new member can be elected.

Tuesday morning, he’d informed the Chelsea Area Fire Authority Board that he was leaving town and it’s expected that Council Member Peter Feeney, who is the alternate to CAFA, will take over in February.

Myles was also on the Zoning Board of Appeals.

“This is a beautiful community and there are beautiful people here,” he said.

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2 thoughts on “Council Member Jim Myles resigns after selling home and business”

  1. Unfortunately Chelsea is losing a member of council with an open mind and truly dedicated to the community. Mr. Myles has given much to this community and to see the mayor attack Mr. Myles during his farewell remarks says a great deal about the closed mindless of some members of government who one would hope have the capacity to listen to honest constructive suggestions, concerns or issues.
    But that isn’t how government operates here. After living here for over 30 years it is quite obvious and vividly clear that if you aren’t a member of the “we know best” and “we’ll look into” group your voice goes unheard and your concerns unaddressed.
    Transparency is an issue in how the city government works. It sadness to know a few people decide the future of all of us and they have cotton in their ears so approaching council becomes a questionable investment of one’s time. The traffic on Washington Street continues to be an issue but there is no will from the council to correct the issue. Hopefully, the $25,000 budgeted
    for a complete and comprehensive traffic study will actually happen. Mr. Myles and Mr. Anderson attempted to fairly and accurately assess and address this problem but they were stonewalled, treated rudely and now the city is minus two open minded public servants. Shame on the mayor for his
    interrupting and uncalled for remarks questioning Mr. Myles’ motivation. Accusing Mr. Myles of a vendetta is rude, uncalled for but typical of what one encounters if they have questions and concerns that run counter to the “we’ll look into” group that looks, but never sees, pretends to listen but never hears. It’s gone on for years and maybe, just maybe people will listen to the recent remarks Mr.Myles tried to express until the mayor decided to interrupt with a caustic comment and actually reflect of how this city is run and who actually runs it.

  2. I am so pleased that Jim and Kim were able to sell the Chelsea House Victorian Inn as a B & B. It will remain a vital contribution to Chelsea’s historic downtown. I am grateful that Jim took a house that became five apartments and made it whole again….actually, more that whole…a real gem.

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