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Countdown to fair: a favorite memory of past fairs

File photo.
File photo.

This will mark my 13th year attending the Chelsea Community Fair and I have so many cool memories of fair, I’d thought I’d share a few with you during the countdown to the 76th annual event, which will take place Aug. 20-24.

For many years, my dad attended fair with me. He’d carry my notebook or my camera. Keep an eye out for cute photo opportunities, and, of course, sit for hours on the hard bleachers and watch the kids’ show their livestock.

Pigs, sheep, horses, you name it. He’d be game to go every day and watch because he knew there’d be a Kiwanis hot dog, a cotton candy, or a pig’s ear in it for him.

And every year he’d remind me that his grandfather’s Brown Swiss defeated Dwight D. Eisenhower’s cattle at the Pennsylvania State Fair way back when — something that rarely happened.

We’d check out the ag exhibits and roam through the Merchant Barn. We’d watch people get wet in the dunk tank and eagerly return to the Nature’s Creation of Life area again and again to see if the cow had given birth.

But the highlight each year was the fair parade. We’d get there early and park near The Wolverine, and grab a Knights of Columbus‘ chicken dinner to eat while we waited for the festivities to begin.

And, of course, for the candy to start raining.

Because I was usually out in the middle of the road taking photos, and he’d be in a chair along the curb, he’d pick up what landed near his feet. But what I found amazing was the generosity of the kids sitting nearby. They’d gather up as much candy and goodies as they could hold and graciously share their loot with him. In fact, I watched as some serious horse trading took place as he worked his magic to get a new Frisbee for one of my dogs or his favorite kind of Jiffy mix.

He’d smile as he filled a big bag with his bounty, snatching a piece here and there. We’d bring the bulk of it home, then eat ourselves sick on it for the next few days.

Plus on Sunday, I’d always make whichever Jiffy mix he’d snared. Usually corn bread because it was his favorite.

This will be the fifth year that my trusty side-kick won’t be attending fair with me, but I promise you, he’ll be looking down from heaven enjoying all the fun from his special vantage point.

And, at some point during the parade, I’ll look to the sky and smile knowing he’s there.

Fire photo of crowd watching the fair parade.
File photo of crowd watching the fair parade.
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4 thoughts on “Countdown to fair: a favorite memory of past fairs”

  1. Oh, Lisa! What a sweet story! I’m sorry your dad is no longer with you and able to horse-trade for the Jiffy mix. What great memories.

  2. Great article! I definitely have great memories of the fair & the parade! I have been attending for more than 50 years. I was astonished that of all the photos it is my son Robert, his fiance Rebecca, me and my wife Jean watching the parade!

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