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Executive order rescinds Stay at Home Order

June 1, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-110, rescinding her Safer at Home order and moving the entire state to phase four of the MI Safe Start Plan

  • The governor’s order will allow retailers to reopen on June 4 and restaurants to reopen on June 8, both subject to capacity limits.
  • Day camps for children will likewise be permitted to open on June 8.
  • Effective immediately, groups of 100 or less will be allowed gather outdoors with social distancing.
  • Office work that is not capable of being performed remotely can resume.
  • And in-home services, including housecleaning services, can resume operations. 

 “While Michiganders are no longer required to stay home, we must all continue to be smart and practice social distancing, and encourage those who meet the criteria to get tested for COVID-19, the governor said in a press release. “If we all do our part, our goal is to announce a shift to phase five for the entire state prior to the fourth of July. Stay smart, stay safe, and let’s all do our part.”   

Michiganders must continue to wear facial coverings when in enclosed public spaces and should continue to take all reasonable precautions to protect themselves, their loved ones, and the community.

Subject to local regulation, gyms and fitness centers may conduct outdoor classes, practices, training sessions, or games, provided that coaches, spectators, and participants maintain six feet of distance from one another during these activities. Outdoor pools can also reopen, with restricted capacity. 

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