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Feb. 7: ‘$2.00 a Day’ authors to speak at Rackham Hall

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Keegan Sulecki for the information in this story.)

In our first Washtenaw Reads, Chelsea District Library (CDL) joins the libraries of Ann Arbor, Dexter, Milan, Northfield Township, Saline, and Ypsilanti to promote reading and civic dialogue through the shared experience of reading and discussing a common book.

The book chosen for the 2017 Washtenaw Reads is $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America by Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer. This powerful book details the lives of six different families living on less than $2 a day, along with discussion of the national debate on work, income inequality, and what to do to address this at-need population. 

Copies of the book are available for checkout at participating libraries and all are encouraged to attend a free author event at Rackham Auditorium on Tuesday, Feb. 7 from 7-9 p.m. Join us for the chance to hear the authors discuss their research, address questions from the audience, and sign books after the presentation.

Community groups will be in the lobby to share information on the services they provide for fellow citizens in need. These groups will include: Ozone House, Alpha House, Food Gatherers, Catholic Social Services (Senior Home Services), Washtenaw County Sheriff, Ground Cover, and United Way.

In addition to this opportunity to meet the authors, other programs and discussions will be available.

At CDL on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m., Pam Smith, President and CEO of United Way of Washtenaw County, will provide information on their initiative to increase financial stability for low-income individuals and families, and how Chelsea community members can get involved.

On Monday, Feb. 27 at 7p.m., a nutritionist from Washtenaw County MSU Extension will provide a presentation at CDL on how to eat healthy on a budget, plus offer tips to help members of our community who live on a limited or fixed income.

Those interested in attending any of the events at CDL can register at or call 734-475-8732 x219.

For more information about Washtenaw Reads events at all participating libraries, and for related resources, visit

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