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Firefighters spend Saturday afternoon bowling with community children

Firefighter Ian Ballard with his team of bowlers.

About 65 children filled Chelsea Lanes Saturday afternoon for a fun and free afternoon of bowling with a Chelsea firefighters.

In addition to the bowling, parents and children learned some important fire safety tips from the first responders as well.

The first-time event was planned by Ed Greenleaf, Jr., owner of Chelsea Lanes, who said he couldn’t thank the firefighters enough for their emergency response efforts when his family needed them.

He also reminded parents that on Tuesday, Nov. 6, they should get out and vote in support of the Chelsea Area Fire Authority millage renewal that will be on the ballot.

Firefighter Colt White and his team of bowlers.

For the firefighters, it was another way to give back to the Chelsea area community and a way for children to do something fun with them in a non-threatening setting.

“This is a way for us to get to know the kids and their parents and have some fun,” said Fire Lt. Scott Basar, adding that this was the first of several planned events that would give the community a chance to get to know their firefighters better.

Fire Captain Chris Smyth said it was a chance for the kids to spend an afternoon with their local firefighters and do something fun.

Fire Chief Jim Payeur wanted to extend his thanks to Greenleaf for his efforts on behalf of the firefighters and for planning “a great family outing for the kids, their families and the community.”

Chelsea Fire Captain Chris Smyth and his team of bowlers.
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1 thought on “Firefighters spend Saturday afternoon bowling with community children”

  1. Great Job Lisa covering the event Saturday at Chelsea Lanes. Thank you to CAFA and Chelsea Lanes for putting on the event our kids had a Great time!!??

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